This ship is modeled on one of the five late Viking period (11th-Century) ships found near the town of Skuldelev, Denmark, during the 1960's. Ship number 5 was roughly 65% intact and archaeologists determined it was a warship constructed around 1030CE, capable of transporting about 30 warriors. Based on its dimensions, it was probably not capable of deep sea voyages, and would have been most likely have been used for raiding or patrolling along coastlines or within the Baltic Sea.
Available in .blend, .fbx, and .obj formats (More formats available upon request)
Highly Customizable! Raised or lowered sails, multiple props to customize your ship (Props will increase triangle counts); Blender shaders set up for easy color customization
Low poly with 3 Levels of Detail for the hull, and 2 for sails
LOD0: ~60k Tris; LOD1: ~30k Tris; LOD2: ~16k Tris; Model as customized in lead image: 91k Tris
PBR materials and textures; 2048 x 2048 texture resolution
Documentation provided to assist with setting up similar customizable shaders in other modelling programs or game engines.