S-13/C-13 - Submarine S-13 , and January 30, 1945 The zip-file contains one High polygon model and one Low polygon model, photoshop Tiff textures and standard Maya materials. Features: - Drag and drop into game engines: Unreal Engine 4 and Unity 4. - Inside scene: -model - 1 material, 3 textures (specular map, bump map, diffuse color map). - Textures map resolution 2048x2048. - No cleaning up necessary, just drop your models into the scene and start rendering. - No special plugin needed to open scene. - Maya 2016 - Low Polygon Model – Tris 7860 - Vertices - 4692 - 128 Objects - 1 Materials - 3 Textures - High Polygon Model - Tris 82538 - Vertices - 42612 - 171 Objects - 1 Materials - 3 Textures