Model created with 3ds Max 2019Preview rendered with v-ray next
The model was modeled in 3ds max.Polycounts Polys 3,705,956 vert 2,297,962
-Model is included in 2 file formats. -3ds Max V-ray Next -FBX (without animation)
Textures:All textures are correctly named
Lights:1 vray sun1 vray dome light for environment1 vray dome light for ocean and phoenix fd foam
AnimationAll flags and sails are simulated for 3ds max. Point cache files attached for 3ds max.
RenderingThe rendering setup is Vray in the 3ds Max version, the Vray lighting and setup file is also included.
ScaleThis scene is modeled in real world scale.
Plug-inv-ray next for renderingPhoenix FD for ocean and boat wake
UVWThe ship's hull has been unwrapped. Box and cylindrical uvw are used in other objects
TopologyThe model includes rectangular and triangular polygons
Important note!!!
The project includes the 300th frame of Phoenix Ocean. It needs to be simulated for the full sequence. The necessary settings for the simulation are in the ocean tank. Needs to be simulated with soleil emitter objects in the layer.
Thank you for choosing my model. I hope you like it!