Roman Warship Bireme

Roman Warship Bireme 3D model


The model, about 33 m long, is a reproduction in scale of the most common roman war ship.

Original paints and mosaics reproducing a similar boat can be found in Pompei, Italy, and in many museums such as the Bardo in Tunis.She was in use during Republican and Empire Period, from some century before to some century after J.C.

The ship was powered by one and seldom two sails and by around 40 men at the oars, such figure depending on the hull total lenght.

Rowers, mainly slaves or captives, sitted on two layers and necessitated of special side boxes to hold oars, due to the very limited width of the hull.This ship was relatively small but the strong team at the oars gave them an high speed.She was equipped with a fast lowering mobile bridge, with hooks to branch enemy vessels and with a very powerful submerged bronze rostrum to open dangerous water ways to their hull, sinking them.

Rudders, one on each side, were side positioned and directly activatedThe anchor was a wooden one, but typical lead counterweights were present to make it efficient and stronger.

The present model version includes inside frames and oars teams, but a similar model without interiors, is considered to be published on this Site, mainly for videogames use.

On this Site you can also find a bigger Roman ship, a Trireme.

As many textures have been used, model dimension can be higly reduced replacing textures with flat colors, in case the ship is represented far away:The model itself is less then 2Mb, while textues use more than 6Mb; they are:

-BronzeCopper0016_5_S.jpg 292kb -BronzeCopper0049_3_M.jpg 228kb-FabricPlain0086_S.jpg 359kb-fb_labaro-eagle01.jpg 93kb-fb_labaro-eagle01.png 369kb-fb_rpt rope hemp.jpg 21kb -fb-borned-wood.jpg 82kb-fb-PnlClrOak01_S.jpg 55kb-fb-rosone-30_S640.jpg 44kb-fb-sail03a7.jpg 560kb-fb-scraped green L.jpg 221kb_fb-scraped white L.jpg 239kb-fb-scutum-blue01.png 119kb-fb-scutum-blue-bk02.png 100kb-fb-scutum-blue-bk04.png 110kb-fb-scutum-green01.png 121kb-MetalBare0152_1_S.jpg 92kb-OrnamentBorder0115_1_S.jpg 419kb-OrnamentsHinges0004-1_S.jpg 112kb-PlanksNew0027_7_S.jpg 328kb-PlanksOld0076_4_Srp.jpg 361kb-sail white.jpg 122kb-til-WoodFine0005_2_S.jpg 299kb-WaterPlain0012_2_S.jpg 89kb-Wicker0019_6_S.jpg 501kb-WoodPlanksBeamed0012_1_S.jpg 362kb-WoodPlanksClean0018_1_S 690kb

karlu2018-11-03 00:41:04 UTC
Very good
Item rating
0 0
Roman Warship Bireme
Royalty Free License 
Roman Warship Bireme
Royalty Free License 
Response 46% in 15.3h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 (.max)8.92 MBVersion: 2013Renderer: Default (Scanline) -----
  • Other 9715.8 MBVersion: 97Version: -----
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)16.1 MBVersion: -----
  • Blender 2.77 (.blend)8.46 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 55,488
  • Vertices 61,874
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs
  • Plugins used
  • Publish date2016-04-27
  • Model ID#352490