karlu 2019-06-26 00:39:24 UTCkarlu
The ship could be used as a pirate ship. Included are 2 sets of sails (open and closed), the open sails are 2 extra .obj formats with matching textures/diffuse maps of ropes and sails, the closed sail or up sails are in the scene file. maps available are Texture/Diffuse, Bump and Opacity for the windows Two open rooms available in the back of the upper deck. 12 Cannons, 4 on the deck and 8 below deck side cannons
All_Other_Maps is packet in a separate folder and includes: Ambient occlusion maps for all groups = AO Captivity maps for all groups = CV Normal maps for all groups = NM Opacity map for the hall, windows and lights All maps are saved in .jpg All maps named accordingly!