***UpDated*** Textures packed to .blend file for texture ready scene
***UpDated***Blender Scene with material,shader ready added.Mesh and material-texture names corrected.
3d-->sketch (remove me)fab.com/3d-models/ocean-brig-a1494972188d480fb09b25eac599ef9a
60K tris (30k polygon).
Full PBR 4k textures (3 uv sets,uv s mirrored and overlapped for bigger texture resolution)
Base colour,Metallic,Emissive,Roughnes,Normal OpenGL,Opacity,Mixed ambient occlution maps (4096x4096 resolution).
10 different sail textures included.
-Flat black
-Flat white
-Flat blue
-Flat yellow
-Flat grey