thebrain0612024-11-05 15:48:57 UTCsome really nice parts here used some on a few of my prebuilds and some on other car models, parts are in one obj file, made it difficult to find the part I wanted to use, but not impossible.

vitalidada102024-03-16 09:48:18 UTCQui non ho capito molto bene il prodotto sembra secondo me che giro su molte piattaforme di progetti 3D un clone di prodotti da parte terzi solo un pò mischiato poi magari mi sbaglio ma dò solo una mia prima impressione. File troppo pesanti da scaricare e da aprire su un pc magari non troppo performante. Tutto sommato al prezzo di vendita il prodotto è valido. Alcune cose sono utilizzabili altre no bisogna lavorarci un bel pò .Saluti
junkbrainmodel1012023-02-17 11:37:24 UTCPretty nice! Lots of build options for a competitive price.
patrykponichtera2022-11-23 15:28:57 UTCVery random bit of kit, some meshes are low poly and some are extremely high poly, the high poly ones have the subdivision applied to them, would have been nice to have it not applied so I can choose if to subdivide it or not.
The muscle car is low poly and usable in a game, the rest not so much out of the box.
It looks like the kit was put together from random projects with different requirements.
For the price I'm really happy with the purchase but I'll definitely need to spend a lot of time getting the meshes game ready