2016-12-31 05:48:56 UTCsamyiii
Here is my futuristic tire design with rusty pbr texture-set. Polygons: 2950 Vertices: 1700 Triangles: 3200 12 available formates: - fbx (7.4 binary and 6.1 ASCII) - obj and mtl - dae - blend (2.78a) - stl - abc (Alembic) - ply - x3d - x - dxf - wrl - 3ds PBR Textures: - Normal map - Color map - Metalness map - Roughness map - Ambient occlusion map - Curvature map - All textures in 2048 x 2048 px resolution A test with Five-Wheeler a vehicle which I made for test my modular vehicle construction kit. The vehicle construction kit is still under construction!