2018-06-25 17:24:10 UTCmachete77jay
Can these be 3d printed in 1/25 scale for model cars?
Collection of 10 Wheel Rims (Available separate)
Formats: .fbx, .stl, 3ds Max 2008 (.max); .3ds; .obj Quality: Medium poly count, ready to mesh smooth (not applied to .3ds, .obj)
Images: Medium poly count quality + 2x mesh smooth Vertices and polygons count without mesh smooth.
Rim 021: Vertices: 10270 Polygons: 9768Rim 022: Vertices: 9297 Polygons: 8882Rim 023: Vertices: 6580 Polygons: 6366Rim 024: Vertices: 6578 Polygons: 6417Rim 025: Vertices: 6616 Polygons: 6426Rim 026: Vertices: 6884 Polygons: 6816Rim 027: Vertices: 6547 Polygons: 6417Rim 028: Vertices: 7958 Polygons: 8028Rim 029: Vertices: 7250 Polygons: 7310Rim 030: Vertices: 8146 Polygons: 7944