This is a model of a Custom COE Delivery Van, its loosely based on a modified COE so is not an accurate representation as I didn't work with model sheets but with photo interpretations of different models, if you are looking for a perfect representation of a COE I'm afraid this model is not suitable for you.
This Vintage Custom COE Delivery Van is quite versatile and is suitable to be used on retro, old, 50's up to modern settings.It features a nice detailed interior with rotating doors so you can use it on animation, illustrations and games.It also features wheels that can rotate independently and a cargo area you can fill with boxes and items, also both interior and cargo space are separate models so you can hide them as needed. It uses 3 sets of PBR materials for Albedo + Metallic/Roughness + Normal + Occlusion in PNG format, both exterior and interior use 4096 size textures while the cargo uses 2048 size textures.
=========================Summary info:
Polygon Count: 14044Triangle Count: 26527Verts Count: 14761Number of models: 1 with independent meshes for wheels, doors and interiors.
Model is fully textured, you would need to created the shaders for some of the formats.Textures (PBR): 3 setsTextures resolution: 4096x4096px & 2048x2048.Low Poly Modeling,With Proper UV UnwrappedNo Overlapping.
=========================Available Formats
*It can be imported directly in Unity with the textures applied (may need to be scaled for your project).MAMBFBXOBJUnityPackage* (unity 2017 with textures and materials applied -NO collisions-)
The object has three sets with five textures for Albedo/transparency, Normals, Occlusion, Metallness and Roughness. These can be used in Unity and Unreal engines and other engines capable of displaying PBR textures.Previews are raw untouched Realtime Renders from Unity and Marmoset Toolbag 3, so what you see is what you get.The models have been checked and tested but feel free to contact me if you find problems with the model.