53 Foot Refrigerated TrailerModel
No special plugin needed to open a scene.
The model was originally created in 3ds max 2016
The model is fully textured with all materials applied.
All textures and materials are included and displayed.
Textures 4k and 8k (4096X4096)and(8192X8192). .
_Maps Corona. _ Glossiness. Roughness. Height. AO. IOR. Metallic. Height. Normal.
_Maps Unity. _ AlbedoTransparency. AO. MetallicSmoothness. Normal.
_Maps Diffuse. _BaseColor. Emissive. Height. Metallic. Normal. Opacity. Roughness. (Compatible with Blender, Cinema4d and skyline render.).
Unreal. BaseColor. OcclusionRoughnessMetallic. Normal. Emissive. Opacity.
File formats:
Textures tested in Unreal Engine 4 and Unity.
Resolution of textures.4096x4096 to 8192x8192 TGA