by Ufuk Orbey (shadedancer619) / Made in: Cinema4D R19
This model is the quite unique and detailed one in 3d universe. If you want to use it in your games then go and get it:) This model -with realistic textures and detailed parts- deserves a fantastic price but for now I will put a quite reasonable price on it.
A screw-propelled vehicle is a land or amphibious vehicle designed to cope with difficult terrain, such as snow, ice, mud, and swamp. Such vehicles are distinguished by being moved by the rotation of one or more auger-like cylinders fitted with a helical flange that engages with the medium through or over which the vehicle is moving. They have been called Archimedes screw vehicles by the US military, where they are classified as a type of marginal terrain vehicle (MTV). Modern vehicles called Amphirols and other similar vehicles have specialised uses.
scwtank(SOURCE).C4D is the main file for Cinema 4D users. No textures or objects were baked. This needs TEX folder for texturing.
scwtank.C4D has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs TEXTURES folder for materials.
scwtank.BLEND has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs TEXTURES folder for materials.
scwtank.FBX (v7.5) has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs TEXTURES folder for materials.
scwtank.OBJ (with MTL) has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs TEXTURES folder for materials.
scwtank.3DS has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs TEXTURES folder for materials (3DS ignores all texture images at opening. You must assign them properly).
scwtank.DAE (v1.5) has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs TEXTURES folder for materials.
TEX.RAR has 39 texture JPG images for scwtank(SOURCE).C4D file.
TEXTURES.RAR has 21 UVW JPG images for other formats.
UVW images are in 2048 and 4096 pixel sizes. All they are high quality JPG images.
164 objects
132,874 polygons
133,472 points
Nobody does! I always try to do my best but sometimes unwanted mistakes can be happened unconsciously. If something happens please contact me ASAP for solving the problems immidiatelly.
I am writing this in particular because of some misunderstandings I lived before. Sometimes people prefer to make NEGATIVE RATINGS instead of calling and talking with modellers. If you are the one of them please do not buy this (:just kidding, I know you are a nice people)).
A little nice conversation is able to solve all problems in minutes. I know somehow :))
-Follow my tutorials in youtube:
-Need some photoshop brushes or images? I'm here:
See you...