Saurer M8 8x8 Lowpoly 3D model
Rar file contain Blendfile, Texture folder , FBX , Obj mtl
Centered (in right place) and Seperated parts
Blender 3.4.1
Textured with substance painter
6 Set of material and Texture (Cargo part - Decal - Body - glass - wheel - tent)
2k Texture (1k for decal and glass)
3 camo (green-khaki-brown)
Pictures rendered in Cycles engine
Tris: 72,208
Description:The Saurer M6 (also Saurer M6 M ) is a 6x6 truck model manufactured by Adolph Saurer AG from 1940 onwards. The payload is 2.5 tons.
The Swiss Army used 338 units from 1940, primarily as an artillery towing vehicle for the 10.5 cm gun 35 L42, plus 16 units with a fixed structure as a radio vehicle. The 8x8 model Saurer M8 M was almost identical in construction, of which 79 units including the prototype were built. Many components of the Saurer M6 were also used in the Saurer MH4 . A Saurer M6 radio car is now in the Flieger-Flab-Museum in Dübendorf. A Saurer M6 is now in the Swiss Military Museum Full . A very nice example of the Saurer M8 is in the Saurer Museum in Arbon. The Saurer M6 were replaced by Saurer 2DM in 1978 , some were then still used by civil defenceused.