A fire engine or pump is designed to mechanically pump water (usually using an engine), for the purpose of extinguishing fires. In some cases, the fire engine may also be capable of pumping a chemical extinguishant such as foam.
The fire engine may have, dependent on its use, one or more of several different methods of propelling the water to the fire. The traditional method is to pass water to the fire via hoses from an array of valves, which could be mounted on any side of the appliance. They may also have a fixed pumping 'cannon', technically known as a fire monitor or deluge fitted, which can direct the water as pointed by the operator. The range, in both horizontal and vertical planes, of the monitor arrangement tends to be limited and is usually only appropriate for specific tasks, such as airport fire. This sort of fixed monitor arrangement has also been used as water cannons for crowd control.
Fire engines may have an on-board water reservoir, allowing it to fight a fire immediately upon arrival, or may be completely reliant on external sources such as a fire hydrant, water tender or any other available water source, such as a river or reservoir, by using draft water suction.
In the modern context, an engine is usually a multi-purpose vehicle carrying professionals and equipment for a wide range of fire fighting and rescue tasks. For this reason, most fire engines carry a variety of other equipment such as ladders, pike poles, axes, Halligans, fire extinguishers, and ventilating equipment. The New York City Fire Department (FDNY) was the first to introduce the "squad" concept for an engine and developed the rescue pumper.
Product Features:
The product contains four resolutions of the model, the high resolution version being rigged for animation.
The model is highly detailed and textured.
This model is a 3DMax model, saved in version 8 as a MAX file, and requires 3DMax. It does not include any other formats to allow it to be opened in any other software. The model is rigged where appropriate, and mapped and textured.