by Ufuk Orbey (shadedancer619) / Made in: Cinema4D R19
This is the eighth model of my monster trucks collection. This is a modified classic car which was used by hippies once upon a time. You can find some information below. Source Cinema file has hundreds of objects and most of them still parametric. You can find and change their values to make the model looks some different. Except this source file, others have connected objects and baked textures. Need help? Please contact me asap.
I uploaded this pack twice for some issues happened during the uploading process. If you have some files broken or missed please call me for new ones. I think all files are ok but who knows.
www.schworervolkswagen.com. Why do hippies love volkswagen vehicles?
The Volkswagen microbus was one of the few vehicles that somehow managed to be both cute and cool at the same time. The pleasant, benign look appealed to anti-war flower children, while it also looked un-American and unique enough to represent a break with the conformity of their straight-laced parents. The vehicle gave off a simple, wholesome aura that lent itself well to a youthful endless summer.
To round out the appeal, the VW microbus was cheap and practical. It was durable, and the straightforward mechanics meant anyone with a few tools on hand could take a crack at repairing it, while parts could be swapped out with those from other Volkswagen models. And not only could you ride comfortably in the microbus: you could actually live in it.
And let’s not forget, it could be painted. The Volkswagen microbus’ flat angles lent themselves well to canvases of expansive design on all sides.
Rigged file will give you a nice experience about driving this bad boy. Just try it. Youtube video that I made for first model (all models has same controls) is showing you how to control the truck properly.
Here is the link:
MT08(SOURCE).C4D is the main file for Cinema 4D users. Mostly parametric objects inside. You can easily change something as you wish. This needs TEX folder for texturing.
MT08.(RIGGED).C4D is the rigged and user data controlled file. This has also connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.
MT08.C4D has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.
MT08.FBX (v7.5) has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.
MT08.OBJ (with MTL) has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.
MT08.3DS has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.
MT08.DAE (v1.5)has connected objects and baked textures same as C4D file. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.
TEX.RAR has 10 texture JPG images for MT08(SOURCE) file.
UVTEX.RAR has 29 UVW JPG images for other formats (includes dirty images).
Texture images for SOURCE file have also height maps in TEX folder.
UVW images are in UVTEX folder have 2048 and 4096 pixel sizes. All they are high quality JPG images.
47 objects (baked files)
206,328 polygons
197,536 points
-Follow my tutorials in youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtYvZ8BDNXcx8rfOF-mDxZw
-Need some photoshop brushes or images? I'm here:https://shadedancer619.deviantart.com/
See you...