by Ufuk Orbey (shadedancer619) / Made in: Cinema4D R14
Very high quality prisoner wagon model. An UNIQUE model. It should be the part of a collection.
Not suitable for game engines because of it's very high polygın counts. Bur if you look carefuly polygon size does increase or decrease depends on your wish. You may not want to use furnitures or may be want to delete screws and other unwanted objects. Thats ok! So you will have the poly size about 50-60% less than original. This way you cxan use this model in your games.
But... especially for the historical collectioners this model may most wanted one. No others or similars in 3D model sites. I will comtinue to make models on real references of wild west. I like it!
You can easily load objects or prisoners inside this. If you use it in your projects please let me know how you do it!
Copy color channel to bump channel for better renders. C4D format also has bump channels.Textures are ok for C4D format but baked textures are perfectly fit to all other formats too. Just find and define them to the correct objects.
Follow my tutorials in youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtYvZ8BDNXcx8rfOF-mDxZw
Need some photoshop brushes or images? I'm here: https://shadedancer619.deviantart.com/
**Enjoy !
See you... **