by Ufuk Orbey (shadedancer619) / Made in: Cinema4D R14
High quality luxury wagon model. VIP guys might use this wagon in their valuable travels. May be some of them were senators, generals or managers. May be all they were thiefs or murderers. Who knows? But as a fact if you want to use such a this car you must have a lot of money in your pocket.
This is a heavy model in counts. Lots of polys and points keep the quality but not suitable for games. The furnitures are not necessary I guess. They contains at least 8,000 polys. But in other hand they looks nice behind the curtains. So, this will be your choice to use them or not. My suggestion is KEEP THEM or use YOUR OWN objects to make something more realistic.
There are no bump, pbr, transparent and reflection channels in exported formats. Create alpha channel via color surfaces, copy color channel to bump channel for better renders. C4D format also has bump and other channels.
Textures are ok for C4D format but baked textures are perfectly fit to all other formats too. Just find and define them to the correct objects.
Two Cinema 4D files in the set. One of them has baked textures and other is standart C4D file with materials.
Follow my tutorials in youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtYvZ8BDNXcx8rfOF-mDxZw
Need some photoshop brushes or images? I'm here. https://shadedancer619.deviantart.com/
*See you... *