Railway Iron Drawbridge

Railway Iron Drawbridge 3D model



by Ufuk Orbey (shadedancer619) / Made in: Cinema4D R19



This iron railway bridge is a nice and detailed one which compatible with my previous railway collections. The PIVOT objects should be rotate 0-40 degrees min/max for a good and realistic shape. No intersections or overlaps in these limits. All other objects must be in the PIVOT groups except the legs and extend pieces. PIVOTs have an axis on the rotation bar under the floors and it works well in min/max limits.

Groups or null objects are always missed in the OBJ files after the conversion but you can group them manually with a little effort:)

Please keep in mind, the Blender file is not a specific (native) one. I have just imported the FBX file and adjusted the material properties (specular, roughness etc.).



drawBRG(SOURCE).C4D (R19) is the main file for Cinema 4D users. Textures are applied to cubic map. No textures are baked. This format needs TEX folder for materials.

drawBRG.C4D (R19) has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.

drawBRG.BLEND (2.82A) has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.

drawBRG.OBJ (OBJ/MTL) has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.

drawBRG.FBX (v7.5) has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.

drawBRG.DAE (v1.5) has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.

drawBRG.3DS has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.



TEX.RAR contains 19 JPG and PNG texture images. SOURCE file needs this folder.

UVTEX.RAR contains 21 UV texture images. Image sizes are 2048 and 4096 pix. All files need this folder except the source file.



Objects: 112 (total)

Polygons: 100,342 (total)

Points: 111,006 (total)



Nobody does! I always try to do my best but sometimes unwanted mistakes can be happened unconsciously. If something happens please contact me ASAP for solving the problems immidiatelly.

I am writing this in particular because of some misunderstandings I lived before. Sometimes people prefer to make NEGATIVE RATINGS instead of calling and talking with modellers. If you are the one of them please do not buy this (:just kidding, I know you are a nice people)).

A little nice conversation is able to solve all problems in minutes. I know somehow :))



-Follow my tutorials in youtube:


-Need some photoshop brushes or images? I'm here:



See you...

BsTen2023-04-01 15:00:39 UTC
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Railway Iron Drawbridge
Royalty Free License 
Railway Iron Drawbridge
Royalty Free License 
Response 99% in 1.4h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
Post Production
PBR modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Cinema 4D (.c4d) (2 files)19.9 MBVersion: R19Renderer: Default R19Version: R19Renderer: Default R19
  • Blender 2.82A (.blend)16.4 MBVersion: 2.82ARenderer: Default 2.82A
  • Collada 1.5 (.dae)12 MB
  • Autodesk FBX 7.5 (.fbx)4.24 MB
  • 3D Studio (.3ds)6.47 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)15.3 MB
  • Textures 42.3 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 100,342
  • Vertices 111,006
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Non-overlapping
  • Plugins used
  • Publish date2023-04-01
  • Model ID#4404923