2-axle carriageThe 3D model category "medium polygonal": (faces: 131750, polys: 56040, verts: 7920).Precision model made according to the archives of the Bryansk railcar factory and old photos.This model has interior, detailed brake system and sprung suspension.The model for creating scenes, content or additions to game play or simulators.The archive contains the model file (3dsmax2009), texture (.JPG), the file extension in the format .uvwThe export models formats: .FBX, .3DS, .OBJ
Prototype description:2-axles passenger wagon, sample 1930 year, coupe for 4 people, seats - 20.Railway sleeper cars of distant following.Livery: Stalin's Railroad, USSR (now called "Prydniprovska railway", Ukraine). Carriage room - 4072. Railcar depot station Dolgintsevo (Kryvyi Rig),Tula carriage works. Russia, 1934 year.
Technical characteristic:Tara: 23,4 tThe number of seats - 20Axis type - II;Wheels - average iron core (basic part of wheel) and steel brace.Coupling - autocoupling type SA3;Lighting - candles and electric lamp;Natural ventilation, exhaust (deflectors on roof);The heating is autonomous, water;Suspension - dual, leaf suspension, system of Nolitan;Gabarit - 1T
Common data:length - 14,04 m.width - 3,22 m.height - 4,89 m.