A train model from the city Mumbai, India.
Made this model in Cinema4D, unwraped in Blender and textured using Substance Painter.
I have provided the .c4d project file along with fbx and obj formats, the project is well organised and all the objects are placed using instances to have low imapact on your systems. (fbx and objs may still become heavy as all the objects are individual)I have also provided solo assets that are used in the model in a folder 'Solitary Assets'.
------- Note For Cinema4D Users -------
When importing as obj I would recommend to set the splitting option to 'Material' so that all the objects that are related will be arranged right beside each other in the object manager becasue they will be having the same material.
That's the best I could do for obj format as it doesnt support exporting with groups like for fbx. Although I would highly recommend using only the FBX formats of the model as they are well arranged and easy to texture. :)
Also, if you wish to use the model with all the textures already applied and have a less system heavy workflow (as all the objects are placed using Instances) I have provided a .c4d project file but you may still have to go to 'Texture Manager and relocate the texture path to the ones included in zip.
------- Note For Other Users -------
Both the fbx and obj formats have the materials assigned, not the textures inside the material so you will have to assing textures images and design the assigned materials as per your software.