by Ufuk Orbey (shadedancer619) / Made in: Cinema4D R19
This is the nice and detailed model pack of a railway track collection that has 23 different railway objects. This is the extended pro version of the two previous collections. This model has many different objects and nice materials to make interesting tracks and environment objects. I passionately sticked to the vintage models and this one is not an exception. The good combination of iron and wood makes the model so attractive.
Speaking of the rail tracks; I did not use classic switch rail shapes at intersections so you can find all directions as always open for a good drive:)
I also put a classic Cinema 4D parametric file in the collection which contains some track shapes with deformers and generators. So you can play with the values and able to make different shapes for fun.
Please keep in mind, the Blender file is not a specific (native) one. I have just imported the FBX file and adjusted the material properties (specular, roughness etc.).
railsPRO(PARAMETRIC).C4D (R19) is the Cinema 4D native file which contains some of the C4D things. A nice bonus file needs no textures. Do it yourself:))
railsPRO(SOURCE).C4D (R19) is the main file for Cinema 4D users. Textures are applied to cubic and flat maps. No textures are baked. Needs TEX folder.
railsPRO.C4D (R19) has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.
railsPRO.BLEND (2.82A) has connected objects and baked textures. This format needs UVTEX folder for materials.
PROfbx.RAR has 23 separated FBX(7.5) files. Needs UVTEX folder.
PROobj.RAR has 23 separated OBJ/MTL files. Needs UVTEX folder.
PROdae.RAR has 23 separated DAE(1.5) files. Needs UVTEX folder.
PRO3ds.RAR has 23 separated 3DS files. Needs UVTEX folder.
TEX.RAR contains 26 JPG and PNG texture images. SOURCE file needs this folder.
UVTEX.RAR contains 23 UV texture images. Image sizes are 2048 and 4096 pix. All files need this folder except the source file.
Objects: 294 (294 objects total)
Polygons: 403,535 (294 objects total)
Points: 422,836 (294 objects total)
Nobody does! I always try to do my best but sometimes unwanted mistakes can be happened unconsciously. If something happens please contact me ASAP for solving the problems immidiatelly.
I am writing this in particular because of some misunderstandings I lived before. Sometimes people prefer to make NEGATIVE RATINGS instead of calling and talking with modellers. If you are the one of them please do not buy this (:just kidding, I know you are a nice people)).
A little nice conversation is able to solve all problems in minutes. I know somehow :))
-Follow my tutorials in youtube:
-Need some photoshop brushes or images? I'm here:
See you...