High-speed Electric Train ICE 3 Siemens Velaro E Germany
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Siemens Velaro is a family of high-speed EMU trains used in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, China, Russia and Turkey.
Model Electric Trains Siemens Velaro E Germany high quality. The model includes 5 different cars from which you can get a full train of 10 carriages. The model has interior with Passenger seats and the driver's cab. Interior can be disabled and to facilitate visualization environment.
Summary: Realistic, detailed and textured High Speed Train - Siemens Velaro E with Interior and Railway Track in multiple 3D formats.
Available formats: - 3ds max 2014 (.max) - 3ds max 2011 (.max) - Wavefront OBJ (.obj and .mtl) - Autodesk FBX (.fbx) - 3DS (.3ds) - C4D (.c4d)
Texture of housing - 8192x8192
Polygon count: 639858 Vertex count: 673851
The model has been converted to other formats using exporters and convertion tools.
If you have questions about the model, or need a discount on my model - contact me