CAF Urbos 3 is a good quality, photo real model with good detail toany of your rendering projects. With good interior. Doors, the model has a fully PBR textured, and was originallymodeled in Blender 4.0 and rendered with Cycler. Renders have nopostprocessing. I hope you enjoy this model! If you buy this model,please rate it! Thanks!
Low polygonal model. Model is fully textured with all materials applied. Alltextures and materials are included and mapped in PNG format. Blendmodels are grouped for easy selection. No cleaning up necessary just drop yourmodels into the scene and start rendering. No special plugin needed toopen scene. Model does not include any backgrounds or scenes used inpreview images.
File Formats:
Blend native OBJ (Multi Format) Dae (Multi Format) FBX (Multi Format)
Textures Formats:
(.png) 8192 x 8192
Car polygonals
Triangles - 102 402
Verticles - 62321