The WS-SP-01 is a Concept spacecraft for early space exploration, travel and logistics. Designed primarily as a long-range colonization spaceship, the ship can also be used in a number of deep space roles. The ship is designed with a worn look and feel.
The ship has been designed with a forward shield to protect the ship from asteroids and debris as travels to its destination at high speeds. The ship has multiple features and thrusters and is low-mid poly and PBR. The ship is great for cinematics, games, and VR and is supplied with 3 LODs. The ship has sperate materials for lights and windows to offer more customization.
Highly detailed Spacecraft Multiple design features 4k PBR and Normal detail maps Poly Efficient and 3 LODs
Texture Sizes: 15 x 4k (Colour, Metal, Roughness, Normal and AO) 2 x 2k Normal maps (detail) Polys/Triangles - 68kVertex Count: 96,288