NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, heir to the Space Shuttle legacy. Includes all parts needed for the SLS Block 1 and Block 1B vehicles: SLS Core Stage (CS), Shuttle-derived 5-segment SRBs (RSRMV), Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage (iCPS), Exploration Upper Stage (EUS), interstages, 5 meter Delta IV-derived fairing, 10 meter fairing, and Universal Stage Adapter (USA).
Note that this file does NOT contain any Orion-specific parts, such as Orion itself, the Orion Stage Adapter, LAS, or SM fairings. Those are sold separately, here . File also does not contain an 8.4 meter fairing, or parts for any proposed upgrades beyond Block 1B or alternate configurations of the CS or EUS
All materials and textures are packed in the .blend file