The Dreadnought Mk.3 is a free concept inspired by the Steam Punk world.It is made with a mixture of Hard Surface. For the most curved pieces and Lonw poly for the rest. always with soft shading the flat pieces and automatic smoothing.All the pieces. both the feet, arms and command posts are movable. but the rigging is not done. Anyway if you are interested. I'd do free rigging.I have gone to great lengths to detail all the parts of the model. to show all the maximum realism to the model and give the maximum coherence to the mechanisms. Like the boiler area.The model is completely textured and included in the model in a RAR file. I recommend placing the textures in a folder renamed as Textures
ATTENTION: The scene is not included only the main model. Among other things, it would be very heavy to upload the entire excena to the web.
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