SkateBoard wooden

SkateBoard wooden Low-poly 3D model

Verification details of the FBX file
No N-gonsManifold geometry
Textures and Materials
PBR texturesSquare texturesPower of 2 texture sizesAssigned materials
No UV overlapsUV unwrapped model
Allowed characters

Are you ready to do all kinds of tricks?

Here you have this awesome skateboard. With it your characters can do many tricks in your games.This lowpoly table has 10 textures with a quality of 2048 * 2048px so you can give variety in its use. Includes the .psd so you can modify or customize the tables as you prefer.

You could make each character have their own personalized table and with it be able to do incredible tricks.

It can also work as a decorative element since you can mount rooms or scenes without scarcely consuming resources.

Do not miss the opportunity to offer your characters that skateboard they have always wanted.

If you have read this far, you have an interest in my work. If you have questions about the model, do not hesitate to send me a message and I will answer it as soon as possible.

If you choose to buy this model, I would greatly appreciate a positive assessment if the model meets your expectations. On the contrary, if there is any problem, do not hesitate to let me know and I will fix it as soon as possible, so that your experience is the best.

Le-Visuel2018-03-31 14:06:22 UTC
Looking so cool ! :o
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SkateBoard wooden
Royalty Free License 
SkateBoard wooden
Royalty Free License 
Response 75% in 2.5h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
PBR modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Textures 61.2 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)28.6 KB
  • Autodesk 3ds Max (.max)57.6 KB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)27.8 KB
  • 3D Studio (.3ds)11.8 KB
  • Blender (.blend)97.6 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-03-31
  • Model ID#876293
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 558
  • Vertices 590
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing