RV Motorhome wheel Van Contact Camper Continental Version 1.0
ready2use for:
Cinema 4D Version 2024.3.1 and up(please check: if your renderer works with your version of Cinema 4D(renders also with default materials))
from Corona 11.0 (physical material)
from Redshift 3.5.24 (standard material)
Could also work with older versions, but is not tested.
For Cinema 4D is also a default model version included(Polygonselections for UV-Tiles) + Default Materials (2024.3.1 and up)
Blender 4.0.2 renders with Cycles
Note: Model uses one material with UDIM layout 4x UDIM 4k maps .tga = 20 texture maps for the model (960 MB)
Note: For those who do not want to use UDIM, a version with 4 polygon selections and 4 materials is also included.
Additional formats: .fbx, .obj, .gltf, .usdz
I will always find an individual solution for your 3D requirements, so do not hesitate to ask.
If you have any questions, suggestions or need another format please contact:
Web | www.danielweinlein.com
Mail | d.wstudios@hotmail.de
Thank you!
Daniel Weinlein 2024