High quality nissan s14 ready for game
(It comes with High and low polygon to edit what you want!)
The Nissan Silvia (Japanese: 日産・シルビア, Nissan Shirubia) is a series of sport coupes based on the Nissan S platform. Although recent models have shared this chassis with other vehicles produced by Nissan (most notably the European 200SX and North American 240SX in the S13 and S14 generations, and 180SX in the Japanese market), the name Silvia is interchangeable with the chassis codes. The Nissan Silvia's main competitors worldwide were the Honda Prelude, Mazda MX-6, Toyota Celica, Mitsubishi Eclipse, Isuzu Impulse, and Honda Integra.
The Silvia name is a variation of the word sylvia, which is a scientific genus term assigned to a class of birds, possibly a reference to the Bluebird which was in production at the time the Silvia was introduced.
(you can use it commercially, for video games, everything)
Base model are from : Nissan 200SX Silvia S14 by Lexyc16 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). All creddits to he.