3D model available in these formats: Blender (.blend), 3D model (.fbx)
Scene Statistic below:
-Subdivision ON: Polys: 686 936 Tris: 1 373 872 Edges: 1 386 768 Verts: 700 118
-Subdivision OFF: Polys: 43 178 Tris: 85 378 Edges: 89 091 Verts: 46 199
Scale of all details (100,100,100)Model has real-world scale and is centered at 0,0,0All pivots in placeMaterials, objects and textures have the correct namesNo cleaning up necessary, just drop your models into the scene and start renderingModel is intended for subdivisionTextures are included:MI_ninebot_Base_ColorMI_ninebot_EmissiveMI_ninebot_HeightMI_ninebot_MetallicMI_ninebot_Mixed_AOMI_ninebot_Normal_DirectXMI_ninebot_OpacityMI_ninebot_Roughness
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