Chariot Greek Mycenaean 3 Rail 1200 BC

Chariot Greek Mycenaean 3 Rail 1200 BC 3D model


SmartCgArt is member of the Archaeological Institute of America [AIA] and of the American Philological Association [APA].
[The Horses you see in the images are Poser6 Horse rendered with a Photoreal Texture and are not in this package.]
Ancient Greek Mycenaean 3 Rail Chariots 1200 BC [transport, war, hunt]. Complete Horse Harness System and Reins. Reins and Harness Ropes also with Animation ready C4D NURBS. 54 & Alternate PhotoTextures. C4D, VUE6 to 11, 3DS, OBJ!
As Chariot Crew you can use the products Greek Mycenaean Charioteer A Props Poser Daz [ID: 713577] and Greek Mycenaean Spearman A Props Poser Daz [ID: 713489].

Mycenaean Complete Rail Chariot for Transport, Hunting and War [in use during the Homeric Era of the War of Troy between 1250-1150 BC with Chariot types A-B-C]: 3 Typical Different Rail Chariots common in ca. 1200 BC.

Real World Scale Model [SmartCgArt Real World System]. Quads [C4D; OBJ] & Tris [VUE;3DS].

3 Rail Chariots Models: Rail Chariot A, Rail Chariot B, Rail Chariot C complete with Mycenaean Horse Harness System. 54 Textures. Cinema4D NURBS Files for Reins and Horse Mane.

Faithful and accurate Reconstruction of a Mycenaean Rail Chariot for Transport, Hunting and War with Bridle and Harness System for Horse [ca. 1200 BC], ing to the Scientific Data and the Archaeological Evidence.

It was designed for 2 occupants abreast. It was commonly used simply for Transport. In older times, the second occupant could be an archer, but rather in hunting situations than in war situations.

When used at war, the second occupant was a Spearman prepared to throw javelins against enemies or to thrust, if he had a longer spear. Then the Chariot was simply used as a war transport to rapidly rally troops on the combat field and to rapidly withdraw them. The 2 types of use are well documented in Homer's Iliad.

In the package you will find:
1- typical Greek Mycenaean Rail Chariot type A;
2- typical Greek Mycenaean Rail Chariot type B;
3- typical Greek Mycenaean Rail Chariot type C [older type with cab screen and double pole];
4- typical Greek Mycenaean Reins System for Horse;
5- typical Greek Mycenaean Reins NURBS System for Horse [Cinema4D];
6- typical Greek Mycenaean Bridles and Harness System for Horse;
7- Mycenaean Charioteer Whip Type A;
8- Mycenaean Charioteer Whip Type B;
9- Alternate Mycenaean 8 Spoked Wheel Model;
10- Alternate Mycenaean 10 Spoked Wheel Model;
11- typical Greek Mycenaean Horse Mane Style;
12- typical Greek Mycenaean Horse Mane Style NURBS for Cinema4D;
13- 54 Hi-Quality Hi-Def PhotoReal Textures [1100x2300; 2072x2072; 1500x1500; 1158x828; 1024x1024; 512x512 etc.];
14- Alternate Textures to customize and create different types of elements;
15- .txt guides to the correct rendering;
16- Real World Scale SmartCgArt Man Reference System with models [C4D, VUE, 3DS, OBJ, DXF].

All the Models are prepared Hi-DEF and Photoreal, perfect for any type of Rendering!

POLYGONS/VERTICES COUNT [complete all models Package]
C4D-OBJ: only/mostly quads [300106; 298207]
VUE-3DS: triangulated [556554; 298207]

Mycenaean Horse Mane Style Poly/Vert Count:
C4D-OBJ: only/mostly quads [11648; 19232]
VUE-3DS: triangulated [23008; 19232]


These models are useful for many types of sceneries, ancient sceneries but also modern ones, as for Roman re-enactment.

The Archaeo.Sys 3D series is developing high-fidelity 3D reconstruction of Objects, Architecture and Scenes from Classical Greek and Roman Antiquity.

misarid552016-01-27 20:30:54 UTC
This looks awesome! What sources did you use to make this?
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Chariot Greek Mycenaean 3 Rail 1200 BC
Royalty Free License 
Chariot Greek Mycenaean 3 Rail 1200 BC
Royalty Free License 
Available in these collections
Response 75% in 30.2h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (3 files)31.7 MBVersion: OBJ
  • 3D Studio (.3ds) (2 files)22.7 MBVersion: 3DSVersion: RWorldScal
  • Cinema 4D (.c4d) (2 files)27 MBVersion: C4D-6to14Renderer: Default C4D+VUE
  • DXF (.dxf)23.1 KB
  • Vue (.vue)24.6 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2013-04-10
  • Model ID#12819
  • Animated
  • Rigged
  • VR / AR / Low-poly
  • PBR
  • Geometry Polygon mesh
  • Polygons 300,106
  • Vertices 298,207
  • Textures
  • Materials
  • UV Mapping
  • Unwrapped UVs Mixed
  • Plugins used
  • Ready for 3D Printing