Faithful and accurate Reconstruction of the Village Cart by the famous Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder, as seen in his Winter painting Census [1566].
With snow models, textures and materials for your Winter rendering!
Hi-Quality Level of Details!
In the Package you will find:A- Village Cart A [1]B- Snow 3D Model for the village Cart A [2]C- 21 Hi-DEF textures [wood, snow, ropes, dirt metal] [1700x1100; 600x1600; 812x812; 512x512; 256x256] [3]D- With a Complete Set of Alternate Textures to change colours [4]E- Hi-Def 3D modeled details [5]F- Movable and Animatable Wheels. [6]
The Model is prepared Hi-DEF and Photoreal, perfect for any type of Rendering and for Hi-Definition Rendering and Close-Ups!
Models Polygons and Vertices [VUE and 3DS]:Cart 3D Model [165620;112375]with Snow 3D Model [451722;280974]
These models are useful for many types of sceneries.
The Art 3D series is developing high-fidelity 3D reconstruction from famous paintings.