This is a reproduction of an early XVIIIth century coach, made after several varying sources, since most of them have been brunt or destroyed during the Revolution.The model comes in three formats (.fbx ; .lwo ; .obj) and has six different layers with pivot points correctly placed and correct parenting in Lightwave for animation : Coach_main Coach_drawbar Coach_wheels_FT Coach_wheels_rear Coach_door_LT Coach_door_RT
There is a single overlapping UV-map, but ten sets of textures ranging from 1K to 4K depending on the map.
There are two folders :XVIII_coach_specgloss_textured_mesh : Includes all maps for PBR specular/glossiness workflow and the base mesh in three versions (.lwo; .obj ; .fbx). Textures are configured to load by default if the meshes stay in the same folder as these textures. Depending on the destination app, some maps may have to be loaded manually (normal, spec, gloss, opacity…).
XVIII_coach_metalrough_alternative_textures :This is an additional folder which includes all necessary maps for a PBR metalness/roughness workflow. It doesn’t include the mesh ; all these maps would have to be loaded manually ; they are just provided as a bonus/alternative to the original maps.
Pleas note that the skecthfab link shows an older version of the coach ; some textures have been modified since then (the wheels, mainly), and the maps have reduced to 2K instead of 4K to fit memory limitations, which means that the real model renders much finers details.