An Old Timer Jawa 250 model. The model is quad based no tris or engon.There is several maps included in this model: Color (4k size), AO ( 4k size), Normal (4K size), Roughness (1K size), Metalic ( 1K size) and Emission ( 1K size). The transperency data is in color map alfa chanel. In blend format the material is set up. I maked one screenshot for material setaup, if you need it. The material can make whitout transperency and emmisson, this just for the lamps. The model is subdiv ready. Some render in preview are whit subdiv and some without.The model is build up 4 object volan, motor body, front and back wheel. The objects are parented to each other. For moving the whole model grab the motor body. The volans origin point is placed that way that if rotate the volan in up axis the volan whith front wheel rotate in real way (for easy animation), The wheels origins are in center of objects.The model contain 46443 vertex, 44003 face, if it will be converted for tris it will be 88006 tris. If have any cuastion feel free to ask.