SD.KFZ. 142 StuG 3 - Ausführung G - Panzer-Abteilung 302 - 19 Panzer Division - 1944
Originally modelled in cinema4D 16. Detailed enough for close-up renders. The zip-file contains bodypaint textures and standard materials.
No special plugin needed to open scene.
Phong shading interpolation / Smoothing - 35°
NOTE - In lwo, 3ds, fbx and obj the 5 Bumpmaps (Fender_Bump, Parts_Bump, Gun_Bump, StuG_3G_Bump and Engineflap_Bump) must manually load in the Materialcanal.
Polygones - 793793 Vertices - 746468 - 208 Objects - 28 textures - 5 bumpmaps
obj File - lwo file - 3ds file - fbx file Version 2010