M-51 Israel Super Sherman - Conversion from M4A1 hulls with a new Turret and the French 105 mm CN 105 F1 gun. All tanks were fitted with Cummins diesel engines and HVSS suspension.
Originally modelled in cinema4D. Detailed enough for close-up renders. The zip-file contains bodypaint textures and standard materials.
No special plugin needed to open scene.
Phong shading interpolation / Smoothing - 35°
NOTE - In lightwave the 3 Bumpmaps (Gun_R, Turret_R and Body_R) must manually load in the Materialcanal.
Polygones - 723864 Vertices - 452061 - 331 Objects - 17 textures - 3 bumpmaps
obj File - lwo file - 3ds file - fbx file Version 2010
The Sherman M-50 and the Sherman M-51, both known abroad as the Super Sherman, were modified versions of the American M4 Sherman tank that served with the Israel Defense Forces from the mid-1950s to early 1980s. The M-51 was also referred to as the Isherman (i.e. Israeli Sherman). This powerful Sherman saw combat in the Six-Day War in 1967 as well as in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.