This 3D model was originally created with Sketchup 13 and then converted to all other 3D formats. Native format is .skp 3dsmax scene is 3ds Max 2016 version, rendered with Vray 3.00 Since 1941, plans were made for the development of a new reconnaisance tank based on PzKpfw II Ausf J (VK 1601).This light version was quickly dropped in the Summer of 1942, in favour of the heavier one. Design of VK 1602, named Leopard was based on the development of previous projects such as PzKpfw II Ausf J (VK 1601) and PzKpfw II Ausf M (VK 1301).Leopard’s armament consisted of 50mm KwK 39/1 L/60 and 7.92mm MG34/42 in newly designed small turret. It was also planned to use 75mm KwK 41 gun. VK 1602’s was heavily armored and had well sloped frontal armor (influenced by Panther). Leopard was to be powered by Maybach HL157P engine with total power 550hp which allowed VK 1602 to travel at maximum speed of 50-60km/h.