With the T-43 canceled, the Soviet command made the decision to retool the factories to produce an improved version of the T-34. Its turret ring was enlarged from 1,425 mm to 1,600 mm, allowing a larger turret to be fitted and thus the larger 85 mm gun. The prototype T-43's turret design was hurriedly adopted by Vyacheslav Kerichev at the Krasnoye Sormovo Factory to fit the T-34. This was a larger three-man turret, with radio (previously in the hull) and observation cupola in the roof. Now the tank commander needed only to command, leaving the operation of the gun to the gunner and the loader. The turret armour was much thicker, 90 mm, even if bigger and less sloped than the original T-34 turret. (Source: Wikipedia.org)
Model info:Model is saved as .max (v.2018) with Path Deform modifier just in case you want to make some changes to tracks. If you want to make them fix just right click on Path Deform modifier and choose Collapse to.You have also .fbx and .obj formats included. If you need some other format feel free to contact me.
Textures:All textures are made in Substance painter and exported for Vray. They are in .rar file. I made different textures for different tank parts so you have it like this: