**Low Poly model of Imperial Japan WW2 Type 93 Kokusan armored car . Model contains real details and proportions. 2048x2048 texture included -AO, decals and colors are on separated layers, tracks and wheels use second texture 1024x1024. Texture designed for scaling - great for mobile games.
The Type 93 was basically an armored body wrapped around a Ford truck chassis. A framework held the bolted steel plates. This armored car had limited off-road capabilities on softer grounds, as it was tailored for street fighting. The armor was flat for the sides, bottom, rear and front, and slightly sloped on the roof and engine hood. As usual, the turret was placed at the center-rear, cylindrical and partly sloped, with a 11 mm (0.43 in) frontal thickness. On the driver’s right there was a machine-gun mount, two other ball mounts were placed on the sides, while the turret mounted another machine gun, probably a Vickers 0.30 cal (7.7 mm). A pintle mount for an extra AA Type 91 machine gun was attached to the turret rear. Apparently, it had a pair of unditching metal wheels just after the front axle, which could be lowered to ease ground pressure and for enhanced crossings capabilities. Access to the vehicle was performed from the rear and sides. Hinged sight slit panels were mounted on the sides and front of the driver compartment. The crew counted the driver, commander and two gunners.
Disclaimer: This model has nothing to do with any today military, political or ideological regime. The vehicle presented is a copy of the historic vehicle and represents only the visual aspect, without any political background. The models are not intended to promote hatred, violence, whitewash history, revisionism, etc. Any symbols presented on the models are for information purposes only (of the same type as the images in the encyclopedia) and under no circumstances are they used for any other purpose than to underline the aesthetic value of the models.