This is a bladeless Military/Police drone from my tutorial series. I am inspired by the audi police drone and I modified it, to fit in to a beginner modeling tutorial.
The drone was modelled in Maya with a clean quad topology with 3700 faces which is subdivision ready and I already attached a subdivided high poly version.All the photos had been rendered with Blender cylces.
The drone has 3 form: Military with Missles. Police with cameras. Standard version without additional elements.
The police and Military version comes with 2 and 4k textures and the standard comes with a 2k texture.All the equipment has 2k textures.
The model can be imported to Unreal 5 and it generates an automatic rig.If for some reason it does not do it. I attached a blenderfile what is properly setted up so you can use that.
If you have any questions or something is not working as it should, feel free to reach out to me and I am more than happy to help.