Hello, Customer!
I am happy to present you with this Volkswagen Type 2 Minibus 3d model.
the model contains interiors, and all the doors open(with/without the rig)
Modeled and rendered using Blender 3.5.0
file formats: BLEND(native), FBX, DAE & OBJ
You can use this 3D model in your projects, etc.
--------------------------- TOPOLOGY: --------------------------------
This Volkswagen Type 2 Minibus 3d model have got most of the parts separately for easy editing
Total faces: 713,518 Total verts: 732,350
Quads & Tris topology used.
------------------------ TEXTURES and UV: -------------------------
-Model is completely UV-unwrapped.
-All Textures are provided in 4096px dimension.
-Textures are given as color,metallic, roughness, normals and height(where needed).
------------------------- THE RIG ------------------------------------
-The model is perfectly rigged but not animated.
-The FBX and OBJ exporters doesn't seem to export some of the rig's complex features like bone constraints so only the BLEND file contains the rig.
-------------------------- SUMMARY ------------------------------
VW T2 minibus 3D model only.
Model is fully textured with all materials applied (Converted formats .FBX, DAE and OBJ)
No Ngons used, just Quads and very few triangles.
Clear topology with no any artefacts, holes, overlapping polygons and so on.
No special plugin needed to open scene.
Formats .FBX, OBJ and .DAE are included.
BLEND as the native file
contact me for any issues or request.