Bus Caravan
The interior design of the bus caravan was also done.
The design was made according to the average dimensions of the buses. (You can reduce their size by scaling.)
The dimensions are shown in the picture.You can adapt the interior design of the bus to your vehicle by adjusting the dimensions. Can be used anywhere.
This design was made in solidworks 2021 software.Various file formats are available. I did not colorize the files other than the Soldiworks file. You can paint it any color you want.You can print on a 3D printer. All tracks are available in stl formats. (You can reduce the dimensions by scaling.)You can open it in software such as 3dsmax, blender, cinema 4D, Solidworks, Catia, NX, Maya.
It is not suitable for direct production. It is necessary to adjust the dimensions according to your vehicle.