Tesla Model B (Concept from Kendall Toerner)
A bridge between bicycles and road vehicles.
Bicycles feel more vulnerable to cars, people, and objects. Biking involves more physical effort and is less accessible. Cars are more of a status symbol and more easily travel longer distances than bicycles.
Combining the key advantages of bicycles and cars will accelerate the sustainability and efficiency of transportation in cities. Stacionary handlesdetect force. Wheel turns independently based on handle force input and autopilot sensor data. Two independent motors affroad the user power to get up any hill or out of dangerous situations. The bike has full autonomy to get the user out of harms way or guide them effortlessly to their destination. A simplified experiens An integrated display makes it easy to navigate,control,and customize the bike. The force detecting solid state handelbars and footrests fold out from the body.
Forward,side,and rear facing radar,cameras,and ultrasonic sensors detect bikes,cars,potholes,bumps,and other objects.