This is our third model of a BMX bike, made with the solid surface and parametric design technique. Our first BMX Bike model was used as a base for this new design, but all parts (except the chain and its links) were modified to a certain extent, resulting on a brand new look. It is made in real life scale and size. However the default measurement units used for modelling were mm, so you might need to scale it down when you import it into your scene.
Upon purchase, you will get:
You can also see in the previews details of the OBJ file when it is imported and epxorted into 3dsMax. The objects subdivission is: frame, front, front wheel, back wheel, seat, crank, left pedal, right pedal, inner link (chain) (x26), outer link (chain) (x26). Which is, in fact, how they were divided and designed originally.
The material subdivission is made in the original files and got exported correctly to the rest, however it can get a bit messy as the materials were not named accordingly.
The chain and the gears do not make a perfect match (but close enough), however, this happens to the vast majority of bike models out there.
The model is RIGGED in the solidworks assembly file: the wheels, the front, the pedals and the crank turn as they are supposed to. The crank and the back wheel are linked so as to turn when the other does, and the chain moves along with them aswell. However, most likely this relations were not exported into the other file formats.
We hope you like it, if you have any question do not hesitate to send us a message. Cheers!