This high-quality 3D model of a ZZ Plant captures the unique, lush foliage of this popular indoor plant. Perfect for realistic interior renderings, this model is optimized for smooth performance in OBJ, FBX, STL, GLB, and BLEND formats. Ideal for use in home decor scenes, architectural visualization, and plant-related projects, it offers a natural touch to any virtual environment.
ZZ Plant, indoor plant, green foliage, realistic plant, home decor, interior model, architectural visualization
ZZ-Pflanze, Zimmerpflanze, grünes Laub, realistische Pflanze, Heimdekoration, Innenmodell, Architekturvisualisierung
Planta ZZ, planta de interior, follaje verde, planta realista, decoración del hogar, modelo de interior, visualización arquitectónica
نبات ZZ، نبات داخلي، أوراق خضراء، نبات واقعي، ديكور منزلي، نموذج داخلي، تصور معماري
ZZ Bitkisi, iç mekan bitkisi, yeşil yaprak, gerçekçi bitki, ev dekorasyonu, iç mekan modeli, mimari görselleştirme
Roślina ZZ, roślina doniczkowa, zielone liście, realistyczna roślina, dekoracja domu, model wnętrza, wizualizacja architektoniczna
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