2021-04-11 13:17:17 UTCP123e
amazing model, all the cards and pieces are here
wood monopoly
22 cards (streets) with 8 different group colors
4 cards (railways)
2 cards (public companies)
32 houses 12 motels
16 cards (chance)
16 cards (community chest)
40 cards (1$), 40 (5$), 40 (10$), 50 (20$), 30 (50$), 20 (100$), 20 (500$).
3 pieces
1 board (in 2 pieces)
1 drawer with all inside
2 dices
All the cards with their textures in good resolution availabe in C4D and FBX
box with wood texture (2000 x 2000px)
Board texture (3000 x 1500px) aprox.
300 cards in total with textures
renders with corona R