The Smart Waste Segregator 3D model, created by Vitooz Production, is an innovative and sustainable solution for waste management. This high-quality 3D model accurately represents the physical product, with attention to detail and precision in design.
The model is provided in multiple file formats, including .blend, .obj, .fbx, and .stl, ensuring seamless integration with a variety of 3D software applications. This allows users to easily incorporate the Smart Waste Segregator into their projects, whether it be for architectural visualization, product design, or virtual simulations.
The package also includes 4K texture maps to enhance the realism of the model. These texture maps are carefully crafted to accurately represent the materials and finishes of the real-world product, providing users with complete control over the final appearance of the model. The texture maps included are:
The Smart Waste Segregator 3D model is a versatile and practical asset for professionals working in waste management, sustainability, and related fields. It offers an accurate and visually appealing representation of the physical product, while the included texture maps provide a level of detail and realism that can bring any project to life.