The normal textures that was uploaded makes not the rough look by the brown pieces of the wood sticks as you can see it on the preview pics. Its just smooth and flat look. (I tried the normal textures of FBX and Max VRay Folder)
Geometry:Units: CentimetersPolygons: 14 112Vertex: 14 136Triangles: 0Quads: 14112Ngons: 0Vertex with more than 5 edges: 0
Object:Dimenson cm: 5,14cm x 8,89cm x 4,21cmDimenson inches: 2,024x 3,5 x 1,657"Model parts: 12Material count: 1XForm: YesBoxTrick: Yes
Textures:OBJ and FBX - PBR textures 4k .png / Base Color / Glow / Metallic / Opacity / Normal / Roughnes3ds Max - PBR textures 4k .png /Diffuse / Glossiness / Specular / Normal