Studio Horizon - Simple Town Pack
Game ready assets . Set of low-poly assets to create an simple town pack/low poly. This includes prefabs of buildings, trees, props, vehicles and ground patches.
Buildings - 36
Arm Shop, Bank, Barber Shop, Burger Shop, Coffee Shop, Butcher Shop, Commercial Buildings x 15, Filling Station, Fire Statioijn, Polica Station, Gym, Hospital, House, Icecream Shop, Juice Shop, Library, Market, Pizza Shop, School, Tower, Toy Shop, WorkShop.
Vehicles -16
Sedan x 3, Muscle Cars x 3, Vans x 3, Fire Truck, Bus, Ambulance, Poliec Car, Police Helicopter, Fire Helicopter, Boat.
Ground Patches - 8
Beach Corner, Sand & Beach, Ground, Grass, Parking x 3, Water.
Roads - 16
Straight road x 2, Bridge Straight Roads x 2, Foot Path, Flat Road, Round Abouts x 2, Road Turns x 6, Bridge Inclines x 2
Props - 24
Beach Bench, Beach Umbrella, Dumpster, Rubbish Box, Street Light, Road Signal, Road Barrier, Road Fence, Road Cones, Trees x 3, Bus Stop, Signs x 2, Table, Chair, Bench, Greenery Patch, Sand Patch, Sign Boards x 3.