The Rusted Oil Drum Model 3D design features a detailed and realistic representation of an oil drum with a rusted, corroded surface. The model captures the weathered metal, with rust patches, oxidation, and peeling effects, giving it an industrial and aged appearance. Ideal for use in post-apocalyptic, industrial, or abandoned-themed visualizations and environments. Available in OBJ, FBX, STL, GLB, and BLEND formats.
rusted oil drum, 3D oil drum model, rust texture, corroded metal, oil barrel, industrial model, 3D drum
verrostetes Ölfass, 3D-Ölfassmodell, Rosttextur, korrodiertes Metall, Öltonne, Industriemodell, 3D-Trommel
barril oxidado, modelo 3D de barril, textura de óxido, metal corroído, barril de aceite, modelo industrial, tambor 3D
برميل زيت صدئ، نموذج برميل زيت 3D، نسيج الصدأ، معدن متآكل، برميل نفط، نموذج صناعي، برميل 3D
paslı yağ dramı, 3D yağ dramı modeli, pas dokusu, aşındırılmış metal, petrol varili, endüstriyel model, 3D varil
rdzewiały bęben olejowy, model bębna olejowego 3D, tekstura rdzy, skorodowany metal, beczka oleju, model przemysłowy, bęben 3D